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About me

Hello! I'm Leon and I'm passionate about all things data. I enjoy analysing data of different types, exploring new technologies, and building projects that make a difference and improve social wellbeing.

Outside of work, I'm a keen tennis player and you'll see me regularly at the local cafe and yoga studio. I'm studying Vietnamese (xin chào) and have studied Spanish and Indonesian in the past. I've travelled extensively in Europe, Asia and South America and have a Jack Russell named Darcy .

Resume Summary

Australian Council for Educational Research

Research Fellow / Data Analyst

  • Lead data modeler for establishing ETL pipelines in AWS Glue
  • Automate ingestion of XML data files, undertake data quality checks, produce of Excel templates, scrape HTML images from websites
  • Lead designer and developer for R Shiny application to automate psychometric analysis
  • Parallel processing of psychometric statistics and automated data quality checks for NAPLAN field trial results

Social Research Centre

Research Consultant

  • Lead project manager for Continuous Survey of Australia’s Migrants (2013-2019): project management, data analytics, report writing
  • Lead project manager for various population health surveys (Victorian Child Health and Wellbeing Survey 2017; Victorian Population Health Survey 2013 and 2016)
  • Lead project manager for Victorian Student Satisfaction Survey

DBM Consultants

Research Consultant

  • Conducted statistical analysis to identify improvements to customer service experiences for large financial institutions.
  • Report writing and data analysis to identify improvements to Centrelink processes and future Census data collections

Software proficiencies






Microsoft Office